Your resume is your first opportunity to market your skills and highlight your achievements to potential employers. It is the means by which you convey yourself as an active member of your team. An important part of a strong resume is active language, which makes your resume more interesting to read. Your experience should be organized in action statements and should include the outcome of your effort. Remember: Action & Result.
For example:
1-Instead of "Responsible for hiring new employees," write "Recruited new hires for the company."
2-Rather than, "Responsible for maintaining the client database," write a stronger way is "Maintained client database."
For your convenience, we have compiled a list of action verbs for you to use on your resume. Pick and choose from the action verbs listed below by alphabetical order:
answered anticipated appointed appraised
approached approved arbitrated arranged
ascertained asked assembled assigned
assumed assessed assisted adjusted
administered admitted adopted advanced
advertised advised advocated aided
aired affected allocated altered
amended amplified analyzed attained
attracted audited augmented authored
authorized automated awarded balanced
bargained borrowed bought broadened
budgeted built
captured centralized capitalized challenged
cataloged calculated carried chaired
changed channeled charted checked
chose circulated clarified classified
cleared closed co-authored called
collaborated collected combined commissioned
committed communicated compared compiled
complied completed composed computed
conceived conceptualized concluded conducted
conferred constructed consulted contracted
contrasted contributed contrived controlled
converted convinced coordinated corrected
corresponded counseled counted created
critiqued cultivated cut
debugged decided decentralized decreased
deferred defined delegated delivered
demonstrated depreciated described designated
designed determined developed devised
devoted diagrammed directed discounted
discovered dispatched displayed dissembled
distinguished distributed diversified divested
documented doubled drafted
earned eased edited elected
eliminated employed enabled encouraged
endorsed enforced engaged engineered
enhanced enlarged enriched entered
entertained established estimated evaluated
examined exceeded exchanged executed
exempted exercised expanded expedited
explained exposed extended extracted
facilitated familiarized figured financed
fit focused forecasted formalized
formed formulated fortified found
founded framed fulfilled functioned
furnished gained gathered gave
generated governed graded granted
greeted grouped guided handled
headed hired hosted
identified illustrated illuminated implemented
improved improvised inaugurated indoctrinated
increased incurred induced influenced
informed initiated innovated inquired
inspected inspired installed instigated
instilled instituted instructed insured
interfaced interpreted interviewed introduced
invented inventoried invested investigated
invited involved isolated issued
joined judged launched lectured
led lightened liquidated litigated
lobbied localized located maintained
managed mapped marketed maximized
measured mediated merchandised merged
met minimized modeled moderated
modernized modified monitored motivated
moved multiplied
named narrated negotiated noticed
nurtured observed obtained offered
offset opened operated orchestrated
ordered organized oriented originated
paid participated passed patterned
perceived performed persuaded pinpointed
pioneered placed planned polled
prepared presented preserved prevented
priced printed prioritized probed
processed produced profiled projected
promoted prompted proposed proved
provided publicized published purchased
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